Tag Archives: Life

For yourself!! 

We all know how important our loved ones are to us. Without them and their support life seems very sad and difficult. We all try our best to keep them happy and satisfied. Everyday we do things which make them feel special and indicate how much they mean to us. But how many of us do things which makes ourselves happy? How many of us try to take some time from our busy schedule to do stuffs which is important for us?

We so much indulge ourselves in doing things for others  that we completely forget about our own existence. I am not saying to be ignorant towards their needs & become selfish, all I am saying is to think about your own self also. Take time for your hobby, spend some quality time in your own company. Trust me this will only going to help you in building a more strong bond with your loved ones because when you are happy, you definitely will spread more happiness.

Taking care of ourself is very important. Read some novel, dance on your favourite song, exercise for your better health, cook something delicious, watch your favourite  show on television. Whatever your favourite thing is, just do it for a definite amount of time everyday just like a “must to do thing”.

Satisfying your loved ones need is important but while doing that don’t ignore yours. Your life is “Yours”, and you are responsible for your own happiness. So don’t ignore those things which makes you happy. 

After all  “A happy You, will make others happy too” 

-Damini Shah

How to achieve peace in life? 

Nothing can bring you Peace but yourself!!

Having peace in mind and heart doesn’t mean there is no noise, no anger, no hurt, it simply means to have all these but still manage to get away with these emotions when it’s no longer needed to hold on. Holding on things doesn’t help at all. The only way to help yourself is to learn how to control your reactions on things that are not in your control. 

No one is born perfect, no one can achieve perfection even after trying for their whole life because we are humans. We are binded with emotions and emotions keeps creating disbalance in ones life and hence the person cannot be perfect in every spheres.  So achieving complete peace  is an impossible task. But that doesn’t mean we should  stop trying. We should practice the habit of being at peace with ourselves and our surroundings and stop trying to control things in life which can never  be in our control. The only way one can achieve a calm mind, is by achieving a calm heart. Don’t let your fear, anger, mood swings affect your inner peace. Don’t let the outer world create disbalance in your inner world, in your soul..

Practice to avoid things that are not important and start focusing on things that are.. This is the simplest way to achieve peace in life.  So from now don’t associate yourself with things which are not worth to be associated with, like your bad experiences in past. Start counting your blessings and you will see how it will help you to be at peace with the person you see in the mirror every time you look into it 🙂


Those days.. 

Those days, When Christmas breeze were cold 

When hot cup of coffee could be served all day long

When Celebrations could be felt in the air and sense of new year coming was eternal 

Not something to be reminded with watsapp forwards 

When you could eat gaajar ka halwa without worrying about the calories 

When  you wake up in the morning with butterflies in stomach 

So excited to eat home cooked sweets and cookies 

Not just ready made plum cakes and pastries 

When Santa was a real thing for you not just a fairy tale 

When there was no need to click selfies to feel you are enjoying 

When being at home was termed as a Happy vacation 

And roaming unnecessarily in pubs and malls around people we don’t know was not a part of celebration  

Missing those innocent days.. 
