Peas stuffed Parantha

Ingredients :

  • Green peas 
  • 1 Chopped onion
  • 5 strands of chopped Garlic
  • Grated ginger 
  • Chopped Green chilli 
  • Red chilli powder 
  • Salt
  • Cumin powder 
  • Coriander powder 
  • Aamchur powder 
  • Cumin seeds 
  • Chopped Coriander leaves 
  • Ghee
  • Wheat flour dough 

Preparations :

  1. Grind green peas and keep it aside ( Quantity of peas depends upon the number of servings of parantha)
  2. Take a pan &  heat oil
  3. Add Cumin seeds to it, when it crackles, add all the chopped vegis to it. 
  4. When vegetables are half cooked add green peas to the kadhaai
  5. Add half tea spoon of red chilli powder, 1 tbsp Coriander powder, 1 tbsp cumin powder, 1 tbsp ammchur powder and salt as per taste
  6. Cook for 5 minutes on a low flame, then turn the stove off. 
  7. Until the peas mixture comes to room temperature, lets prepare wheat dough by adding salt and oil to the dough mixture.
  8. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes 
  9. Now take a small quantity of  dough in hand and add 2 tbsp of peas mixture to it, as shown in the picture below.
  10. Roll the dough like any normal parantha 
  11. Heat ghee in a pan and cook parantha from both the sides until it turns golden brown in colour. 
  12. Peas stuffed parantha is ready. 
  13. Serve hot with Curd and green chutney.